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Mohist Mechanism-Action Movie II

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The Mohist Mechanism

The Mohist Mechanism refers to the intricate mechanical and technological innovations attributed to the Mohist school of thought, an ancient Chinese philosophical movement founded by Mozi (circa 470–391 BCE). The Mohists were known not only for their unique philosophical ideas, which emphasized universal love, meritocracy, and utility, but also for their remarkable contributions to early engineering and mechanics.

Mohist mechanisms were primarily focused on practical applications, especially in warfare and defense. They designed complex siege machines, such as catapults and crossbows, and were skilled in fortification and defensive tactics. The Mohists documented various mechanical devices and military technologies in the “Mo Jing” (Mohist Canon), an ancient text that covers their knowledge of physics, mechanics, optics, and other scientific principles.

These inventions reflected the Mohists’ pragmatic approach to problem-solving, where they applied their understanding of mechanics to create efficient and effective tools and machines. Their work laid important groundwork for later developments in Chinese engineering and had a lasting influence on the field of mechanical technology in China.

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